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A2 Hosting Vs Hostinger – A2 Hosting is 84% Faster


A2 Hosting hands down wins over Hostinger in all departments. In particular, A2 Hosting is 84% faster than Hostinger in load handling. A2 Hosting also offers a better time with 30 minutes of total downtime in a year. Whereas Hostinger had 2 hours and 11 minutes of downtime in the same period. A2 Hosting is 10.4% faster than Hostinger in speed test.

A2 Hosting Vs Hostinger: Performance


The TTFB of A2 Hosting and Hostinger is measured by pinging our test site from 20 North American regions. The test is done every 60 seconds once.

Based on the last 365 days of data, A2 Hosting recorded 336 ms while Hostinger got 375 ms in the same time frame. This indicates A2 Hosting is 10.4% faster than Hostinger in TTFB test.

We also conducted a global TTFB test from 40 international locations to measure the global TTFB score. This test is useful for sites with global traffic.

The test results show A2 Hosting is 3.5% faster than Hostinger as A2 Hosting got 552 ms global TTFB and Hostinger got 572 ms. Since the difference is less than 5%, we can consider both A2 Hosting and Hostinger to be good for global visitors. However, A2 Hosting has a leading edge considering they’re 10% faster in the North American region.

2. Uptime

A2 Hosting recorded 30 minutes of downtime and recorded a 99.99% uptime in the year. In the same period, Hostinger got 2 hours and 11 minutes of downtime and secured 99.97% uptime.

It is clearly evident A2 Hosting is more reliable for hosting your website visitors than Hostinger.

3. Load Testing

Load Testing is a vital metric to measure because it truly shows the real potential of a web hosting company. In this test, we sent 500 visitors to the A2 Hosting and Hostinger test sites to measure the average response time. The company with the lowest response time is the winner.

Our data shows, A2 hosting got an impressive response time of 185 ms while Hostinger got 1228 ms, indicating A2 Hosting is 84% faster than Hostinger.

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One Comment

  1. Thanks,
    Great article with some nice detail.

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