September 30, 2022

  • Update: Removed EasyWP from tracking. Their starter plan lacks many essential features, which makes the plan unusable, but they kept increasing their prices. We’ve tracked them for a total of 19 months.

October 30, 2022

  • Update: We stopped monitoring Closte hosting. They’ve not been accepting new customers for nearly a year, so our tracking data is useless and will not benefit anyone. We’ve tracked them for a total of 20 months.

December 9, 2022

  • Update: Kinsta Edge caching was launched. We activated the Edge caching and are expecting a lower TTFB.
  • Update: We removed Googe DNS and added Cloudflare DNS to Templ Hosting’s test site. We plan to add Cloudflare DNS to all our test sites.

January 2, 2022

  • FIX: We added ManageWP – Multi-site management plugin on all test sites. It helps to update all plugins & themes at once so that all test sites are identical to each other in terms of WordPress core, theme, and plugin versions. Now, our benchmarks will be even more accurate.
  • Rolling back the idea of using Cloudflare CDN on all test sites.
  • Update: We have removed and added for Core Web Vitals testing. GTMetrix is more convenient and provides better flexibility when running advanced Core Web Vitals tests.