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WPX’s Business and SiteGround’s Startup are the two plans we’ve bought for testing and comparison. The WPX and SiteGround comes at a similar price of $24.99/month yet WPX offers better server resources to handle more sites, CDN edge caching, malware protection and enormours bandwidth limits. Performance wise, WPX offers excellent TTFB of 329 ms compared to SiteGround’s 378 ms. In uptime, WPX loaded 100% in last whole year and SiteGround got 99.99% uptime with 43 outages. WPX did well with 500 users load test with an average response time of 32 ms whearas SitGround got slow with 179 ms. Overall, WPX offers an excellent performance in our all test when compared to SiteGround.

WPX Vs. SiteGround: Pricing

WPX has three plans: 

  • Business: $20.83 per month, 5 Websites, 10 GB Storage, and 100 GB Bandwidth. 
  • Professional: $41.58 per month, 15 Websites, 20 GB Storage, and 200 GB Bandwidth. 
  • Elite: $83.25 per month, 35 Websites, 40 GB Storage, and Unlimited Bandwidth. 

SiteGround offers three plans: 

  • StartUp: $6.99 per month, 1 Website, 10 GB Web Space, 10,000 Visits Monthly
  • GrowBig: $9.99 per month, 2 Websites, 20 GB Web Space, 100,000 Visits Monthly
  • GoGeek: $14.99 per month, 5 Websites, 40 GB Web Space, 400,000 Visits Monthly

WPX Vs. SiteGround: Performance

1. tTFB

I measured the TTFB of WPX and SiteGround test sites using the Pingdom tool for over 12 months. My WPX site had an average response time of 329 ms, while my SiteGround site had an average response time of 409 ms.

Hence, WPX has a faster server response time than SiteGround.

2. Uptime

I tested the uptime of my WPX and SiteGround sites using same Pingdom tool. My WPX site recorded a consistent uptime of 100%, and my SiteGround site has had an uptime of 99.99% with 43 outages. Though SiteGround uptime falls within their guranteed SLA, WPX at the same price offered a better uptime. I rate WPX over SiteGround.

3. Load Testing

In this test, I sent 500 concurrent visitors to the two test sites to measure the average response time.

Our data shows WPX is incredibly faster with 32 ms reponse time while SiteGround took 179 ms to handle the same load.

4. Global TTFB

The Global TTFB test is done from 40 global locations. The results are highly useful for sites that receives global traffic.

The results shows WPX had a better TTFB of 621 ms while SiteGround falls slow of 870 ms.

5. Core Web Vitals

As I tested the Core Web Vitals of the two services, my WPX site recorded d a ‘Largest Contentful Paint’ of 514 ms, ‘Cumulative Layout Shift’ of 0.07, and a ‘Total Blocking Time’ of 0 ms while my SiteGround site recorded a Largest Contentful Paint of 572 ms, a Total Blocking Time of 0 ms, and a Cumulative Layout Shift of 0.07.

WPX Vs. SiteGround: Features

Control Panel

WPX has a custom control panel with almost all the functions and options of a cPanel. Though it looks like a simplified panel, it often loads slow and takes time to move between options.

On the other hand, SiteGround uses a custom control panel called Site Tools, which is excellent, faster and super useful.

Data Center Locations

WPX has 3 data center locations which include Chicago, London, and Sydney. SiteGround, on the other hand, has 6 self-owned data center locations across the globe. Hence, SiteGround has comparatively more data center locations than WPX.


WPX has its own built-in CDN and has it for free on all plans. It comes with edge caching with 26 CDN endpoints across the globe. 

SiteGround, on the other hand, ditched Cloudflare CDN and started offering it’s in-house CDN in recent times.


WPX offers free automated daily backups on all plans, and the host stores every backup for 28 days. You can easily restore any backup within 28 days from the day it has been backed up before it is removed.

SiteGround also has an excellent backup policy, and the host automatically backups your site daily and stores every backup for 30 days.


I did my best to present you with a comprehensive picture of the two services. As far as my study goes, both WPX and SiteGround are very reliable. Pricing-wise, SiteGround plans are more affordable, but WPX has scored better in almost all the performance tests, as we have seen in this post. When I looked into the important features, both covered almost all the important features. 

The staging feature was not available on the StartUp plan in SiteGround, but this limitation can be avoided by selecting any higher pans over the StartUp plan. Further, it is wise not to select the StartUp plan since it comes with limited resources. As far as choosing between the two services is concerned, you have to decide based on what you need the most for your project. 

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