This is our expert review of ChemiCloud concerning performance, support, pricing, and features. ChemiCloud, founded in 2016, is the youngest company to get reviewed at Hostingstep. ChemiCloud is traditional web hosting focused on shared & WordPress hosting and sells high power VPS and Dedicated Hosting. Why did I go to review this ChemiCloud? You’ll get the answer below.

ChemiCloud Review: Summary

ChemiCloud is a reliable host, but their uptime reports are concerning. Their features, offerings, and customer support are great to get started.

What is ChemiCloud?

ChemiCloud offers a fast, secure, and reliable cloud hosting platform with the industry’s best customer services. The company is customer-centric with an in-house support team with over ten years of industry experience.

ChemiCloud Pricing

ChemiCloud offers a variety of services ranging from Web hosting to Reseller hosting. Here is the brief of each service.

  • Web hosting: Starts at $3.95 per month, renews at $7.90 per month.
  • Website builder: Starts at $3.95 per month, renews at $7.90 per month.
  • WordPress hosting: Starts at $3.95 per month, renews at $7.90 per month.
  • Reseller hosting: Starts at $19.95 per month, renews at $19.95 per month.
  • Cloud VPS: Starts at $59.96 per month, renews at $79.95 per month

All the plans come with a 45-days money-back guarantee except the VPS host, who got a 15 days money-back guarantee. Access ChemiCloud Coupon to find our exclusive coupons and get started with ChemiCloud at a discounted price.

ChemiCloud Performance

Server Response Time

I monitored the server response time of my site hosted on ChemiCloud from over 20 USA locations, and my ChemiCloud site recorded an average response time of 424 ms.


I have tested my My ChemiCloud site for the past 12 months, and the site recorded an uptime of 99.85%. The uptime is disappointing, falling below their SLA of 99.99%

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are important signals for user experience and have a huge impact on ranking. Hence, you can’t ignore the Core Web Vitals test at any cost. Hostingstep happens to be the first site to persistently share the Core Web Vitals report for various hosting services. Here is the Core Web Vitals report for ChemiCloud:

As you can see, my ChemiCloud site had a ‘Largest Contentful Paint’ of 619 ms, a ‘Total Blocking Time’ of 0 ms, and a ‘Cumulative Layout Shift’ of 0.07. That’s a decent Core Web Vitals score for sure, and ChemiCloud has comparatively better Core Web Vitals than Kinsta and SiteGround.

Load Testing

I performed load testing on my ChemiCloud test site, where I sent 500 visitors to check how well it responds to the traffic load. ChemiCloud recorded an average response time of 963 ms, which is quite disappointing compared to other services.

Load Test 1

Global TTFB

The global TTFB test is another effective test for checking the performance of a hosting service and is especially useful for those sites that rely on multiple global locations for their traffic. I pinged my site hosted with ChemiCloud from 40 global locations.

ChemiCloud recorded an average TTFB of 571 ms with a decent TTFB. ChemiCloud has a better global TTFB than many top hosting companies, such as Kinsta, Bluehost, and WP Engine.

ChemiCloud Review Conclusion

I did an in-depth study about ChemiCloud, and I found every aspect of this service reliable and fascinating. ChemiCloud has the best promotional price for plans and has the most advanced features in place. What I liked the most is that there is not a single important feature missing in this service. At the same time, there is no exaggeration, and the company offers you just what you would essentially need for running your site.

ChemiCloud has done exceptionally well in all the performance tests, and the host also has the best security features. The only con is the lack of one-year billing for the starter plan. However, this shouldn’t be a huge problem since it is always wise to buy a plan for the maximum years to make the most out of the promotional price.