In this NameHero review, I will walk you through the NameHero pricing, performance, & features.

I’ve written this review of NameHero after using them for 12 months.

NameHero Review

NameHero has been around since 2015, and the service is known for its blazing-fast performance and reliable support. Over the years, the hosting company has done a commendable job of delivering the best hosting solutions for all businesses.

NameHero Pricing

NameHero provides customers with as many as four plans based on the number of sites and RAM. Here are the plan details:

  • Starter Cloud: $3.22 per month, 1 Website, and 1 GB RAM.
  • Plus Cloud: $6.09 per month, 7 Websites, and 2 GB RAM.
  • Turbo Cloud: $9.38 per month, Unlimited Websites, and 3 GB RAM.
  • Business Cloud: $14.08 per month, Unlimited Websites, and 4 GB RAM.

Some features that are common in all the plans are:

  • Unlimited Monthly Bandwidth
  • FREE & Auto SSL
  • FREE Website Migrations
  • FREE LiteSpeed
  • Multiple PHP Versions
  • Nightly/Weekly Backups
  • Cloudflare CDN
  • cPanel

NameHero Performance

Server Response time TTFB

I have my test site hosted on NameHero and monitored its server response time for 9 months from 20 US locations. According to the last test, my site recorded an average server response time of 356ms, and that’s a decent speed for sure and better than many leading hosting services like Bluehost and HostGator.


Uptime plays a very crucial role in the success of a site. As I tested the uptime of my NameHero site, the site recorded an uptime of 99.97%, which is good but not the best.

Load Testing

Next, the NameHero test site is added to WordPress load testing. I performed load testing on the site by sending 500 Simultaneous visitors. The site recorded an average response time of 58ms.

Based on the results, customers can undoubtedly rely on the NameHero platform to host high-traffic sites.

Global TTFB

Testing the global TTFB of hosting services is extremely important for sites that rely largely on multiple global locations for traffic.

When I tested the global TTFB of the NameHero site, it recorded an average TTFB of 433.24 ms. The site had a decent TTFB at almost all the places, with the lowest TTFB in New York, with 100.57 ms. However, the TTFB in Sydney was 1 second.

Hence, you are good to go with NameHero and have nothing to worry about as long as you are not getting high traffic from non-American regions.

Core Web Vitals

Search engines take user experience very seriously these days, so you must test its Core Web Vitals before choosing a hosting service.

As per my last test, my NameHero recorded a ‘Largest Contentful Paint’ of 0.653s, a ‘Total Blocking Time’ of 0.000s, and a ‘Cumulative Layout Shift’ of 0. Hence, customers can count on NameHero to deliver a good user experience to their visitors.

NameHero Pros

Exceptionally Easy Setup

NameHero allows customers to set up their websites with great ease. Even if not tech-savvy, one can still set up a site easily on their platform.

Customers can use the free Website Builder or host a site using the one-click WordPress installation. It is straightforward to start, build and maintain a website with NameHero.

Reliable Performance

NameHero is one of those hosting companies with the most reliable performance, and I was very impressed with my performance test results. My site had performed brilliantly in the server response time test; The site also had a very reliable uptime. 

When I checked its traffic handling ability, the service proved pretty good. Besides, the service has a good TTFB at most global locations. Further, the host also has reliable Core Web Vitals. 

Personalized Security

NameHero has a very reliable security system in place. The host uses AI-based security, including Machine Learning Defense, Real-Time Threat Detection, and Automatic Security Patching. 

The host uses an advanced web application firewall to detect and prevent website threats in real-time, even before they start. Besides, NameHero uses automated real-time scanning to prevent your account from getting infected. On top of that, the host uses software patching and file hardening to close all the security loopholes.

NameHero Cons

Limited Data Center Locations

Regarding data center locations, NameHero has just two locations, limited to the US and NL. This can be not very pleasant for some customers, especially if one can’t find one’s desired data center locations.

NameHero Features

Control Panel

NameHero offers cPanel on all the plans, and with that, users can manage the various aspects of their hosting accounts without any technical difficulty. You can use the cPanel to add new domains, upload files, email accounts, and databases, and change PHP versions.


NameHero offers Cloudflare CDN for free on all plans. With that, customers benefit from reverse proxy caching HTTP/2 Protocol, Free SSL, Minification, and Image Optimization, drastically improving page load speeds and reducing bandwidth and CPU usage. 


The web host allows you to create staging sites for free on all plans, and customers can create a staging site from the Softaculous Apps Installer in the control panel without requiring coding knowledge.

After you finish testing, it is also straightforward to push the changes to the live site; all it takes is a single click of the mouse.


Backing up sites is extremely important to avoid losing website files, and NameHero offers Nightly/Weekly Backups on all plans. The sites are backed up each night, and the backup copies are available in the cPanel for free. 


NameHero has a highly dedicated support team which is popularly known as the SuperHero Support Team. Over the years, the team has done a commendable job in assisting customers with their technical difficulties through 24/7 phone, live chat, and email. 

NameHero Review – Wrapping Up

I tried to present you with a comprehensive picture of the NameHero service in this post, and I hope you have good clarity about the service now. As far as my study goes, I found the NameHero is very reliable in terms of performance and security. In addition, I have tested the service with as many as five advanced performance tests, and NameHero did very well in all the tests.

I have closely studied the security features, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it is one of the most secure hosting platforms. Further, all the plans come with many features, and there is hardly any critical feature missing. I was impressed that even the lowest tier plan comes with unlimited SSD Storage and a LiteSpeed server. 


  1. Hi, there.
    Thanks a lot for your review.
    I have a question, I want to use namehero, but because I am running a local Sydney business, my business website firstly need to cater to Sydney locals, and then Australia/globally.
    When I browse, I do find it a bit of a lag when opening new pages.
    Does that mean namehero will not be a good option for me?

    1. Hi Eric. If your target audience is from Sydney, then Namehero won’t be a good option as they don’t have a data center in Australia. Pick a host with AU data center which is good for both audience and SEO rankings. Pick ChemiCloud which has got Sydney location and it’s server specs is similar to Namehero (LiteSpeed, affordable pricing).

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